Association of Women Solicitors – Surrey

Social Networking across Surrey

Surrey Association of Women Solicitors was formed in the 1980s by a group of female solicitors with the support of the national Association of Women Solicitors. The Association recognised the increasing number of female solicitors in Surrey and the need for women to be able to have regular contact with other females in the legal profession.

Today, the committee of the AWS in Surrey arranges a number of events each year enabling female judges, solicitors, legal executives, trainee solicitors, paralegals and aspiring lawyers to network in a friendly, sociable environment. Regular events include lunches, drinks evenings, spa events and theatre trips. Occasional training webinars/events are also organised.

The committee is always looking for input as to what sort of events would be of interest to members. If there is anything particular you would like to see on the events programme please email

Networking across the County

The Association’s AGM is held in September each year and combines the event with a relaxed social evening and speaker – specifically on a non-legal topic. Recent past speakers include a homeopath, make-up artist, antiques dealer and personal stylist.

The benefit of networking in an all female environment enables women to share experiences common to them including climbing the career ladder, returning to work after a career break, and ideas sharing. The group has members from across many legal disciplines and from all levels of experience. Solicitors and legal executives come from a mix of regional, high street and sole practitioner firms.


Join AWS Surrey

When you join AWS Surrey, membership is just £25 per year for qualified professionals and £10 per year for paralegals, trainees and aspiring lawyers (July-June). Members benefit from discounted events, joining our exclusive mailing list, access to pre-sale for popular events and more! Non-members are welcome to events too, space permitting.

The committee is always looking for input as to what sort of events would be of interest to members. If there is anything particular you would like to see on the events programme please email

Upcoming Events

More events with AWS Surrey will be coming shortly ...